Grey Moissanite: Here's What You Need To Know -Image from

Grey Moissanite: Here's What You Need To Know

Grey moissanite is a unique and beautiful gemstone that you should know about. It is very rare and can be difficult to find. Here's what you need to know about grey moissanite, including its history, characteristics, and where you can find it!

What Is Grey Moissanite?

Grey moissanite is a rare, grey variation of the gemstone moissanite. Moissanite was originally discovered in 1893 by French chemist Henri Moissan, who found tiny crystals in a meteor crater. These crystals were later identified as silicon carbide and named moissanite. 

Grey moissanite is only found naturally in a few locations worldwide, including India and Brazil, but it's becoming easier to find lab-grown versions of the stone that are of equal quality and much more sustainable and ethically sourced. 

There are several colors of grey moissanite, ranging from slightly off-white to silver grey.

Moissanite stones typically settle between the colors of the gems they were cut from, although some may be a different shade of grey. For people wanting to move away from diamonds and other precious stones but not entirely exit that category, moissanite is an excellent option.

Moissanite is a rare and precious gemstone. A certain percentage of moissanite is naturally grey and rare, making this stone more expensive than most other gems. It was very expensive to mine and collect initially, but its value has risen dramatically in recent years. 

Grey Moissanite: Here's What You Need To Know - Image from pixabay by forfir123

Characteristics Of Grey Moissanite?

  1. Grey moissanite is similar to diamonds, with a grey-white color and sparkle that can rival diamond. 
  2. It is also very durable, with a hardness rating of 9.25-9.5 on the Mohs scale (compared to diamonds at 10). 
  3. Grey moissanite is much less expensive than diamonds, making it a budget-friendly alternative. 
  4. Additionally, grey moissanite is ethically sourced and conflict-free. 
  5. Finally, it is not as well known or popular as other gemstones, making it a unique and special choice for jewelry. 

Factors To Consider While Choosing Grey Moissanite?

 The Grey Moissanite's Cut And Shape 

The cut and shape of the grey moissanite can affect the choice of grey moissanites. The brilliant round cut is the most popular diamond shape and is often used for grey moissanites. This cut maximizes the light return and fire of the diamond. Other popular shapes include the princess cut, pear shape, and emerald cut. These cuts are also designed to maximize the light return and fire of the diamond.

 Its Color And Shade 

In general, darker shades of grey moissanites are typically chosen for projects that require a more subtle look, while lighter shades are often used for more eye-catching pieces. The color of the moissanite can also play a role in its selection; for example, warmer shades like beige or peach can create a more inviting atmosphere, while cooler shades like blue or green may be better suited for more modern designs.

Your Budget 

The budget can affect the choice of grey moissanites in a few ways. For one, the budget may limit the amount of money available to spend on moissanites. This could lead to people choosing less expensive grey moissanites or going with a different color altogether. The budget may also affect the availability of grey moissanites. If there is a limited supply, the budget may determine who can purchase them. Finally, the budget may influence how much people are willing to pay for these moissanites. If the price is too high, people may choose a different color or go without moissanites altogether.

The Setting Or Design Of The Jewelry Piece 

The setting or design of the jewelry piece can affect the choice of grey moissanites. For example, if the jewelry is set in a bezel, then a grey moissanite with more contrast may be chosen because it will show up better against the background. If the jewelry piece is designed with a lot of open space, then a grey moissanite with less contrast may be chosen so that it does not stand out too much.

Grey Moissanite: Here's What You Need To Know - Image from pixabay by qlmono

Ethical Sourcing Considerations 

Many ethical considerations go into the choice of a grey moissanite. Some factors to consider include the stone's origin, the miners' working conditions, and how the stone was processed.

The source of a grey moissanite can greatly impact its ethicality. Stones mined in conflict zones, such as Afghanistan, are often produced under oppressive conditions and with little regard for workers' safety. Stones from these regions may also be funding wars and human rights abuses. By contrast, stones mined in regions with strong labor laws and good working conditions are typically considered more ethical.

The way a grey moissanite is processed can also have an impact on its ethicality. For example, some processors use child labor or forced labor to extract the minerals used in gray moissanites. Others may use environmentally harmful methods, such as mining with mercury. It is essential to choose a processor that uses sustainable and ethical practices.

Tips To Care For Grey Moissanite

  1. Cleaning: Grey moissanites should be cleaned with a soft brush and mild soap, and dried with a soft cloth to avoid scratching the stone.
  2. Avoid harsh chemicals such as bleach or chlorine can damage grey moissanites, so they should be avoided when cleaning or wearing jewelry containing grey moissanite.
  3. Store separately: It is best to store grey moissanite jewelry separately from other jewelry to prevent scratches and wear on the stone. 
  4. Remove before activities: It is recommended to remove the jewelry before participating in any strenuous activities such as exercising or manual labor, as this may cause damage to the stone. 
  5. Professional care: For more thorough cleaning or repair, this jewelry should be taken to a professional jeweler. 
  6. Regular inspections: It is important to regularly inspect this jewelry for any signs of damage, such as chips or cracks, and have them repaired as necessary.


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