Does Moissanite Have Inclusions?

Does Moissanite Have Inclusions?

When shopping for a diamond, you may hear the term "inclusions." Inclusions are slight imperfections in the diamond that can be seen with the naked eye. They can affect a diamond's clarity and color grade. So, does Moissanite have inclusions? The answer is yes; Moissanite does have inclusions.

However, they are typically much smaller than those found in diamonds. And unlike diamonds, Moissanite's inclusions usually do not affect its appearance or value. Let's take a closer look at what constitutes inclusion and why it matters when shopping for a gemstone.

What Are Inclusions, And Why Do They Form In Moissanite Gemstones

close-up photo of purple geode

Inclusions are small pieces of foreign material that become trapped inside a gemstone during its formation. They can be made up of other minerals, crystals, liquids, or gases. Inclusions can be found in all types of gemstones, including Moissanite. Moissanite is a lab-created gemstone that is made from silicon carbide.

It is very durable and resistant to scratches and wears. However, like all gemstones, it is not perfect. Most Moissanite stones will have at least some inclusions. The type and number of inclusions will vary from stone to stone. Some inclusions are barely visible to the naked eye, while others are quite large and easy to see.

Inclusions can affect a gemstone's value, but they do not necessarily make it less beautiful. Many people find that inclusions add character and uniqueness to a stone. So, does Moissanite have inclusions? Yes, but that doesn't make them any less stunning!

How Can You Tell If A Moissanite Stone Has Inclusions?

There are a few ways to tell if a Moissanite stone has inclusions. One way is to look at the stone under a microscope. If any minor imperfections are visible, the stone likely has inclusions. Another way to tell is to hold the stone up to a light source and look at it from different angles. If there are any dark spots or areas that seem cloudy, then the stone probably has inclusions.

Finally, you can try to scratch the stone's surface with a sharp object. If the surface scratches easily, then the stone likely has inclusions. However, remember that Moissanite is a hard stone, and it is only sometimes possible to tell if it has inclusions just by looking at it. If unsure, it is best to take the stone to a professional for evaluation.

What Is The Difference Between Inclusion And A Blemish?

Inclusions are foreign materials that become trapped inside the Moissanite during the crystal growth process. They can be anything from tiny pieces of dust or dirt to larger minerals or crystals. Inclusions can also be internal fractures or stress lines during the cooling process. Inclusions can significantly impact the stone's beauty depending on its size, location, and type. However, some inclusions can add character and unique beauty to Moissanite.

Blemishes are surface irregularities after the crystal has been cut and polished. They can be anything from minor scratches or nicks to large chips or fractures. Blemishes can also be caused by wear and tear over time. Depending on their size, location, and type, blemishes can significantly impact the stone's beauty. However, some blemishes can be hidden by setting the stone in jewelry.

Are Inclusions Harmful To The Durability Of A Moissanite Gemstone?

It is a common misconception that all gemstones must be free of inclusions to be considered high quality. Some experts believe slight imperfections can add to the beauty of a stone. This is undoubtedly true of Moissanite, known for its unique Sparkle Pattern.

Tiny fractures cause Sparkle Patterns within the stone, and it is this pattern that gives Moissanite its distinctive fire and brilliance. While these fractures may seem like they would make the stone more fragile, they do not affect the durability of Moissanite.

Moissanite is one of the hardest gemstones and can easily withstand the rigors of everyday wear. So, if you're considering a Moissanite gemstone for your next piece of jewelry, keep going despite the presence of inclusions. These tiny imperfections are what make Moissanite so unique.

Can Inclusions Be Removed From A Moissanite Stone?

blue stone on white surface

Can inclusions be removed from a Moissanite stone? In short, yes. However, the process is only sometimes simple.

Moissanite is a lab-created stone, meaning it does not have the same natural inclusions that you would find in a diamond. However, because Moissanite is not a perfect replica of diamond, it does have some inclusions. These inclusions are usually small and not noticeable to the naked eye, but they can be seen under magnification.

Fortunately, most inclusions can be removed with relative ease. The first step is to identify the type of inclusion and its location within the stone. Once the inclusion has been located, a laser can be used to remove it. In some cases, the entire stone may need to be recut to remove the inclusion. However, this is rare and is typically only necessary for very large or complex inclusions.

While Moissanite has some inclusions, these are typically small and can be easily removed. They should be fine for most people looking to purchase a Moissanite stone. What should you do if you find inclusion in your Moissanite stone

If you find inclusion in your Moissanite stone, don't panic! Inclusions are common in Moissanite and don't usually affect the stone's overall beauty or clarity. However, if you're concerned about inclusion, you can always take the stone to a professional jeweler for evaluation.

How To Take Care Of Your Moissanite Jewelry

There are a few things you can do to care for your Moissanite stone and prevent further damage:

  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners on the stone.
  • Remove the Moissanite ring before engaging in activities that could damage the stone, such as sports or yard work.
  • Avoid exposing the stone to extreme temperatures.


So, does Moissanite have inclusions? The short answer is yes. However, while they are technically included in crystals, they don't typically affect the beauty or durability of the stone. Many people find them a unique and appealing part of their Moissanite jewels! If you're looking for a diamond alternative that is beautiful and unique, Moissanite is the perfect choice for you.

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