Can Moissanite Get Wet and How to Protect It

Can Moissanite Get Wet and How to Protect It

You’ve finally found the perfect moissanite engagement ring. Congratulations! As a proud owner of this brilliant gemstone, you might wonder how water exposure can affect its stunning sparkle. Can moissanite get wet? How can you protect it from potential damage? In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the essential information about moissanite and water exposure, along with practical tips to keep your prized jewelry shining like new.


  • Moissanite can withstand occasional water exposure, Minimizing contact and being mindful of harsh chemicals helps preserve its brilliance.

  • Remove moissanite jewelry before swimming, showering or using a hot tub to prevent damage or loss.

  • Proper care and maintenance when exposed to wet conditions is essential for preserving the shine of your moissanite jewelry.

Moissanite and Water Exposure: Understanding the Basics

Moissanite, a rare and extremely durable gemstone made of silicon carbide, is prized for its captivating sparkle and resilience. With a hardness of 9.25 on the Mohs scale, it’s a popular choice for engagement rings and other jewelry pieces that undergo daily wear, often rivaling the appeal of diamonds and other precious stones. But how does water exposure affect moissanite’s appearance and longevity?

Although moissanite can withstand occasional water exposure, minimizing water contact helps preserve its brilliance and prevents potential damage. Prolonged exposure to water can cause a gradual decrease in shine. Also, harsh chemicals found in pools, hot tubs, or cleaning products can damage both the moissanite stone and the metal setting. So, it’s better to play it safe by being mindful of your moissanite jewelry’s contact with water and other damaging elements.

The Verdict on Moissanite's Water Resistance



Despite moissanite’s remarkable durability, reducing water contact can help sustain its brilliance and avoid harm (mainly due to common chemicals found in water sources). Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Avoid exposing moissanite to harsh chemicals, such as cleaning products and chlorine, as they can cause etching and discoloration.

  • If your gold ring contains copper in its alloy, the structure of the setting may be adversely affected by water, even if the damage is not visible to the eye.

  • Water with an elevated concentration of minerals may result in hard water spots, which can diminish the luster of moissanite.

By following these tips, you can help maintain the beauty and the surface of your moissanite jewelry.

For maintaining the pristine condition of your moissanite ring, we recommend removing it prior to swimming, showering, or using a hot tub. This way, you’ll avoid contact with chlorinated or saltwater that can potentially damage your jewelry. By taking these precautions, you’ll ensure your moissanite’s eternal sparkle.

Caring for Your Moissanite in Wet Conditions

Understanding how to care for your moissanite jewelry when exposed to moisture is key for preserving its beauty. The subsequent segments will outline immediate steps after water exposure and long-term care practices to upkeep your moissanite’s sparkle.

Immediate Steps After Getting Wet

If your moissanite gets wet, here’s how to care for it:

  1. Tenderly pat it dry using a soft, lint-free cloth.

  2. Be careful not to rub or expose it to heat sources, as this could cause micro-scratches on the gemstone or metal setting.

  3. It’s essential to handle your wet moissanite jewelry gently to prevent any damage.

Long-Term Care Post-Exposure

Regularly cleaning your moissanite following water exposure is key to maintaining its sparkle and brilliance. A cleaning routine can be implemented by soaking it in warm water with a few drops of mild liquid dish soap or store-bought jewelry cleaning solution. Additionally, use a soft toothbrush to gently scrub the jewelry and remove any dirt or film. We talk more in depth on cleaning and care in our jewelry care guide.

Rinse the piece with water and, as it may get wet, dry it with a soft cloth. This way, your moissanite will maintain its alluring sparkle despite occasional water exposure.

Guidelines for Wearing Your Moissanite Around Water



Certain guidelines can aid in protecting your precious moissanite jewelry when worn around water. As previously mentioned, it’s best to remove your moissanite ring before swimming, showering, or using a hot tub to avoid contact with harsh chemicals or saltwater. Taking off your ring before engaging in water sports or exposure to strong ocean waves is also a wise decision.

Aside from removing your moissanite jewelry in wet conditions, consider cleaning it regularly to maintain its sparkle and prevent filmy appearance. By following these guidelines, you’ll preserve the beauty and longevity of your cherished moissanite pieces.

Best Practices for Cleaning Your Wet Moissanite

Understanding the significance of limiting water exposure for your moissanite jewelry helps us to highlight best practices for its cleaning, like the selection of suitable cleaning products and the ideal cleaning frequency.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Products

To clean your wet moissanite jewelry, use gentle jewelry cleaners or mild soap and water, avoiding harsh chemicals that can damage the stone. Non-toxic liquid jewelry cleaners, mild soap, and warm water are the most effective cleaning products for moissanite.

Additionally, a soft toothbrush or cloth can be used to gently scrub the moissanite, ensuring that your jewelry remains in perfect condition.

Frequency of Cleaning

Clean your moissanite jewelry regularly. This will help to ensure it stays in good condition and that bacterial growth does not occur. Regular cleaning helps remove dirt, oils, and other substances that can impede its sparkle and shine. This helps maintain the brilliance and beauty of the gemstone over the long-term, ensuring that your moissanite jewelry remains as dazzling as the day you first laid eyes on it.

Protecting Different Types of Moissanite Settings

Various engagement ring settings like moissanite, rose gold, white gold, and plated rings might be more vulnerable to water exposure. For instance:

  • Rose gold is more susceptible to elements like chlorine and salt than yellow gold.

  • Platings on white gold can erode over time, necessitating re-plating sooner.

  • Plated rings can experience rapid deterioration when exposed to water, so it’s crucial to take extra care when wearing these types of settings around water.

To ensure the longevity of your moissanite settings, refrain from wearing them while showering or swimming and avoid exposing them to saltwater or harsh chemicals. By taking these protective measures, you’ll keep your moissanite settings looking elegant and well-maintained for years to come.

Storing Moissanite Jewelry: Preventing Moisture Damage

Storing your moissanite jewelry properly is vital in preventing moisture damage and preserving its sparkle. To ensure the longevity of your jewelry, store it in a dry and secure place, such as a jewelry box or a soft pouch. This protects your moissanite pieces from dust, moisture, and potential scratches. When looking for a place to store moissanite jewelry, consider keeping each piece individually to avoid them from rubbing against each other and causing any damage.

When dealing with wet moissanite jewelry, avoid exposing it to heat sources, such as hairdryers or direct sunlight. Instead, gently pat your jewelry dry with a soft, lint-free cloth and allow it to air dry completely before storing it. By storing your moissanite jewelry correctly, you’ll help preserve its beauty and protect it from moisture damage.

Special Considerations for Moissanite Earrings and Bracelets

Compared to rings, moissanite earrings and bracelets might be more vulnerable to water exposure. While water exposure does not directly damage moissanite earrings and bracelets, repeated exposure to soap, shampoo, conditioner, and chemicals like chlorine can cause damage to the stones. It’s essential to take extra care when wearing these jewelry pieces in wet conditions.

To ensure the optimal performance of your moissanite earrings and bracelets, it’s important to avoid extreme temperature changes and high humidity. Additionally, store your earrings and bracelets in a secure location when not in use. By taking these special care tips into account, you’ll keep your moissanite earrings and bracelets looking stunning and well-protected.

Responding to Temperature Changes: Moissanite's Reaction

Your moissanite jewelry can be affected by temperature changes, so understanding your treasured gemstone’s reaction under diverse conditions is vital. Moissanite is highly resilient to sudden temperature changes, exhibiting no negative response. Furthermore, it is more heat tolerant than diamonds and does not experience any substantial weight loss or color change in extreme temperatures.

However, it’s still important to take precautions to protect your moissanite jewelry from extreme temperatures. Avoid exposing your jewelry to drastic temperature changes and high humidity, as these conditions can have a detrimental effect on the jewelry. By being mindful of temperature fluctuations, you’ll ensure the longevity and beauty of your moissanite pieces.

Lifestyle and Moissanite Wear: Balancing Beauty and Practicality



Integrating your moissanite jewelry into your everyday wear calls for a balance between its aesthetic appeal and practicality. Although moissanite is a durable gemstone, certain lifestyle activities, water exposure, and temperature fluctuations can impact its appearance and longevity. By following the guidelines and tips in this blog post, you’ll strike the perfect balance between enjoying your moissanite jewelry’s stunning sparkle and ensuring its long-lasting brilliance.

Remember to remove your jewelry before engaging in water sports, showering, or swimming, and store it properly to prevent moisture damage. Clean your moissanite jewelry regularly to maintain its sparkle and protect it from extreme temperatures. By taking these steps, you’ll be able to wear your moissanite with confidence, knowing that you’re preserving its eternal beauty.


In conclusion, while moissanite can withstand plenty of regular water exposure, it’s essential to take proper care of your jewelry to ensure its lasting brilliance and beauty. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this blog post, you’ll be well-equipped to protect your moissanite jewelry from potential damage, keeping it shining like new for years to come. Enjoy the captivating sparkle of your moissanite jewelry and wear it with pride.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I swim with my moissanite ring?

Yes, you can swim with your moissanite ring, however it is recommended to remove it before swimming in chlorinated water or showering to avoid damage and loss of sparkle. Make sure to take off your ring if you are heading to the beach, going to the pool or doing rigorous exercise as well.

Can I shower with a moissanite necklace?

Yes, it is safe to shower with a moissanite necklace as its hardness of 9.25 on the Mohs scale is almost as hard as a diamond. However, regular exposure to soaps and shampoos may lead to buildup of oils on the stone which may affect its shine.

Does moissanite get cloudy over time?

Moissanite does not naturally get cloudy over time; however, dirt and chemical buildup can start to dull its shine just like with diamonds and other precious stones.

Is moissanite good for everyday wear?

Moissanite is the perfect stone for everyday wear due to its hard scratch-resistant surface. However, take extra care to avoid chemicals and heat that could damage it.

Can moissanite get wet?

Moissanite can get wet, however it's best to limit exposure to water to preserve its shine and prevent potential damage.

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